Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Welcome to my home...

I have thoroughly enjoyed the "blog tour" of everyone's homes in the last few weeks. From elegant to whimsy and modern to's interesting to see the Christmas spirit viewed through other people's eyes. Although many of us will never meet our "blog friends" in person, this is definitely a great way to welcome us all into your lovely homes.

Thank you to EVERYONE who has welcomed us all into their homes this holiday season! :)


  1. I LOVE your home!! your tree is fantastic~I'm drooling over your reindeer on your mantle~I SO wish I had a mantle at my house :( maybe our next house? LOL!!

    Thank you for letting us into your home :) :) everything looks so cozy and welcoming :) :)

  2. Your tree looks awesome. I need to post some pix of mine as well but haven't. Love your white reindeer.

  3. Wow Yvette, I am coming to your home! Looks gorgeous and festive! What a sweet note of welcome! xoxo Barb


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